Let us help you heal!

Many women have emotional wounds from people in their life who have been close to them, yet they are unaware of the impact of those wounds on their emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. We offer small groups and individual mentoring to help women overcome what’s standing in the way of them being the women God created them to be.

Small Groups

Meet with a small group of other women.


Meet one-on-one with Julaine.


Get away for time with other women and Jesus.

Small Groups
Draw closer to Jesus with other women.

Julaine hosts and facilitates several women’s small groups at different times to help women grow in faith and experience Jesus.

This is an 11-week group to gain a richer, deeper experience with Jesus using Dr. Tammy Smith’s Soul Healing study as a guide. Understanding who women are as daughters of God, embracing their identity, and recognizing that they have an enemy who opposes those concepts is fundamental to becoming the women God created. In addition to Dr. Smith’s teaching, women will also be introduced to experiential exercises as a way of connecting more deeply with God.

A new group is forming on Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:30 AM. The first meeting will be on Sept 6, 2022, and it will conclude on Nov 22. If you want to learn more or are interested in participating, contact Julaine today.

We believe that God can heal our wounds and meet our deepest needs. He wants to do a transforming work of healing in our hearts that impacts our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This is where Healing Care gets its name. In this 13-week series based on material from Terry Wardle, women open themselves to the Lord, and bring him their pains and wounds in the presence of a loving and safe small group.

New groups form frequently, so if you want to learn more or are interested in participating, contact Julaine today.


Occasionally, we plan 1-day or weekend retreats for women intended to draw them closer to Jesus and experience His love for them. A one day retreat is scheduled for October 15, 9:00AM-3:00 PM: A Day of Respite: Restoring our Weary Souls. It will be held at Westerville Christian Church.  Lunch provided. Cost $20. Click here to register. If you want to learn more, contact Julaine today.


Sometimes women need to share their story with someone who will listen and maybe share similar experiences with them, especially if they have overcome whatever issue is being discussed. This is where mentoring can be of benefit. A mentor is usually someone who’s “been there, done that” and who is willing to share what they learned in a way that is helpful to the person being mentored. It is a time for a woman-to-woman conversation that has potential to open up new possibilities and bring healing and freedom.

If you want to learn more or explore mentoring, contact Julaine today.


Below is a list of books for women that we’ve found of value to help grow in faith as the women God intended.

Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton
The Smart Stepmom by Ron Deal and Laura Petherbridge
Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge
Captivating by Stasi Eldredge
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
Uninvited: Living Loved, When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely by Lysa Terkeurst

We want to make sure you have access to resources that will help you in various ways. You can also visit our Resources page by clicking the button below for a more complete list and links for books, programs and events, and organizations that may meet a need you have.

Meet Your Mentor and Group Leader

Julaine Bierl is your mentor and group leader. She retired from Worthington Schools after a 30-year teaching career. She is gifted at knowing how to engage students by creating memorable learning experiences and challenging students to be their best. Julaine is applying this same approach with Reclaiming Wholeness creating engaging learning experiences for those we serve, especially women. Julaine has a passion for helping women to heal and be set free from deep emotional wounds through inner-healing approaches. She has completed three years of Disciple Bible study, is certified to guide couples through Prepare/Enrich and SYMBIS, is a trained caregiver for Formational Prayer (inner-healing prayer), is certified to facilitate various marriage and relationship education programs, and is a marriage mentor. You can reach Julaine by email at julaine.bierl@reclaimingwholeness.life.

Julaine Bierl
Mentor and Group Leader

Note: We are NOT licensed counselors and do NOT provide counseling services. Counseling may be another important aspect of marriage health. Our services are NOT intended to replace counseling or medical professionals.